
Asset Protection

Consideration of asset protection is essential when planning your estate. After all, you spent most of your life acquiring your assets, so why risk losing control of your estate? Government, courts, predators, creditors, people you may not even know could all have their hands in your estate without the appropriate entities in place. At the same time, you must ensure that the tax liabilities related to the transfer of your assets after your passing are at a minimum and that your heirs will not be burdened with the often grueling probate system.

Professional liability is yet another threat to one's estate assets. If you operate your own business, you must protect yourself. Whether a physician, dentist, accountant, realtor, attorney, notary or anyone else who deals directly with the public, you need to be covered for possible instances of professional liability and legal claims that could be made against you by patients or clients.

Regardless of whether these claims are legitimate or not, these kinds of cases most often end up in court. If you are accused of failing to provide goods or services promised or if the plaintiff contends you caused harm to an individual or hurt someone's business, the claims can be very costly to defend. Perhaps, more importantly, the possible exposure of your practice or business and estate could have long-term, negative effects for you and your family.

Contact Hilliard Olson Law and Mediation to discuss ways in which you can protect your assets, reduce your risks and gain peace of mind.