
Business Exit & Succession

A successful business plan includes provisions for continuity in the event of changes in management and/or ownership. Business exit and succession planning are equally important in protecting your estate, your family, and your employees, when you are ready to leave.

Business owners need to be aware of the consequences of failing to properly design and implement exit and succession strategies for the transition of ownership to either a third party or family member. Exit and succession planning will also help maximize the value of the business before it is transferred or sold.

At Hilliard Olson Law and Mediation we use a systematic approach that integrates techniques such as confidentiality agreements, employee incentive plans, deferred compensation plans, stock options, phantom stock options, and buy-sell agreements designed to protect your business and allow you to leave it in style (and in good hands).

Exit and succession planning allow you to obtain the highest possible return for all of your hard work in building your business. However, long before you exit your company, you must also take appropriate steps to plan for your wealth preservation that includes the financial and legal provisions relative to the sale or transfer of your business.

Deciding what you want as an end result takes proper guidance and planning with a trusted advisor. Contact Hilliard Olson Law and Mediation to discuss your plans and your options to ensure your business exit and succession plans meet your objectives.